Webinar: Pest Control Techonology In Food Facilities
03/23/2023 04:39 in Webinars

As long as humans have been farming, producing, processing and storing food, they have had to deal with pests able to wreak havoc on that food. Pest control has, of course, evolved significantly over time. Even now, new technologies are being developed for pest detection, prevention and elimination — particularly related to rodents and stored product insects. Pest management is also a component of FDA’s FSMA, and high-profile infestations made the news in 2022.

QA is bringing together an array of speakers for its upcoming virtual conference, Pest Control Technology in Food Facilities. If you’re considering installation of an electronic monitoring system or just want to learn more about managing pests you might encounter, register today for the March 29, 2023, conference.


Date: 29th, March 2023

Time: 5pm WAT


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