The Home Show is a diverse Radio Show that will fit across controversial issues about Family, Education, Lifestyle and Parenting.
Issues related to Family life, Moral standards, Cultural issues, Family roles and responsibilities. The family life will cover areas on how to build good social relationships, standard living concepts, effective communication, child security etc
The education aspect will help provide information to listeners about past and present trending topics in Education. Helping parents and teenagers to be informed about various options in the educational world, that can be taken advantage of. Help parents to make choices about their children education and future. Admission options into schools at every level will be discussed and analyzed. The educational aspects will also emphasize on discussion in the digital world, innovations etc all related to education
The Home Show will be a one in all family programme with major focus on Parenting and Family life.
Discussions will be controversial with focus issues on child quality education, school choices, parental guidance, early childhood / teenage years guidance, family and career balance, child psychology, challenges in parenting and how to overcome them, parent/child relationships, parent/school interaction.
The show will also help to provide information about various admission listings in schools and institutions
The Home Show
Presented by:
Shofu Babalola