Mosquitoes and their Annoying Bites
04/28/2022 15:31 in Pest Library

Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others?


What Attracts Mosquitoes?


Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. These develop in the water and eventually become mosquitoes.

Stagnant water around your home is a potential breeding space for mosquitoes. Once those eggs become adult mosquitoes, sure they'll come in.

 So, before they're attracted to you, they're attracted to your house first.


 Mosquitoes don't come to you to just fly and fly and disturb your sanity, they bite you. The females precisely. Surprisingly, they are attracted to some people more than others.

 They can see you and see a must-have snack and act like your friend in the same room is not even present.

 All the attention and piercing, and sucking goes to you.


 So what's your problem?

I mean....... What's the problem?


Is it something you wore? Something you did? Wht you said? The way you lay down or crossed your legs on the chair?

Or your eye-catching, irresistible beauty?


First of all, they don't have good eyesight, and they certainly don't care about what you said.

 To prevent and avoid selective attraction by mosquitoes, you have to understand what draws them to you.


1. Dark Clothing: Mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothing like black, red, green, especially black. It's easier for them to see such colors than light ones.


2. Blood Type: Your blood type can attract mosquitoes.

Studies show that mosquitoes are attracted to certain blood types than others. 


3. Gases: You've always been warned about your heavy breathing pattern, especially when you're asleep. 

You probably don't care because well..., it's not your fault and it doesn't affect you directly, so you think. Mosquitoes are attracted to carbondioxide from both humans are plants. If you breath heavily, you exhale more carbondioxide than others, that makes you the chosen one. 



4. Fragrance: When you decide to smell like the flowers in the tropics, you wouldn't only attract your crush, but the mosquitoes as well. 

 Your soap, cream or body spray could be what's putting you in trouble.

 The sweet scent from flowers is what attracts them to flowers in the first place. So, if you smell like that, you'll be visited like that.


5. Heat: If you're hot, like a heater, thick thighs, men will turn, and lick their lips. That perfect, clean beards, 6 pac and strong arms can make the ladies go ooooohhhh.

 In the case of mosquitoes, they're attracted to the actual heat. That is, warm temperatures and warm bodies.

 They're drawn to you if your body temperature is high. Your sweat is also attractive to mosquitoes.

They're drawn to high humidity and so, love your sweat.


6. What you eat?: The chemical composition in your body is also sensed by mosquitoes.

 High quantity of lactic acid, acetone and potassium entice mosquitoes.

 Eating foods high in potassium like bananas, coconut water and dried fruit make you a victim.

 Also, you've been hearing since forever, that your drinking habit will be your down fall. 

 Well I don't know about that, but what's certain is they're attracted to beer.


A survey was carried out to prove this; people were asked to drink 1 litre of beer while others drank 1 litre of water. 

At the end of the day, mosquitoes hung around those that drank beer more than those that drank water. 



7. Pregnancy: Studies show that expectant mothers are more attractive to mosquitoes than they are when they're not pregnant.


 Factors like their heavy breathing, sweat and gases they emit are responsible for such.