In a heartbreaking development, a 300-level student of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Christiana Idowu, has been found dead after being abducted between Ikorodu and Yaba in Lagos State. Christiana, who left her home in the Itaoluwo area of Ikorodu to travel to the University of Lagos for her industrial training, was kidnapped and later murdered by her abductor.
The suspect, whose identity has been withheld, was arrested following a joint operation by various security agencies. Intelligence agents were able to track the suspect using bank verification numbers (BVN) and account details associated with the ransom payment made by Christiana's family. According to a now-viral post on X, shared by a user identified as @letter_to_jack, the agents employed these clues to track down and apprehend the suspect.
Details from the tweet reveal that Christiana was declared missing on August 19, 2024, after her parents were contacted by the kidnappers via her WhatsApp account. The abductors initially demanded a ransom of N1.5 million, but Christiana’s parents managed to raise N350,000, which was transferred to a betting account as directed by the suspect. Subsequently, communication with the family ceased after the ransom payment was made.
Through diligent investigative work, security operatives traced transactions from Christiana’s account to a GTBank account and further to a Wema Bank account linked to the main suspect. Evidence, including messages, transaction details, and personal information, confirmed the suspect's involvement in the crime. The suspect was apprehended by personnel from the Nigerian Army at his residence in Ikorodu.
Upon his arrest, the suspect reportedly confessed to killing Christiana and burying her body at his house. This shocking admission has sparked widespread outrage across Nigeria, particularly on social media platforms, where the hashtag #JusticeForChristianah is now trending, with many Nigerians demanding swift justice for the victim.
Further revelations suggest a disturbing pattern of violence, with reports emerging that two other young women linked to the suspect met similar fates in previous years. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are calling for calm as they continue to gather more evidence.
This tragic incident has once again highlighted the urgent need for improved security measures in Nigeria to prevent such occurrences and ensure justice for all victims. Insight Radio will continue to bring you updates as the story develops.