Tragic Fuel Tanker Collision Claims 48 Lives in Niger State
News Update
Published on 09/09/2024

By: Lawal Halimat

In a tragic incident in the central Nigerian state of Niger, at least 48 people have lost their lives following a collision between a fuel tanker and a lorry carrying passengers and cattle. The accident occurred at around 12:30 a.m. local time on Sunday, leading to a massive explosion that engulfed both vehicles and spread to other nearby vehicles.

The Niger State Emergency Management Agency confirmed the incident and noted that response teams were immediately dispatched to the scene to manage the situation. Abdullahi Baba-arah, the Director-General of the agency, stated that efforts were made to control the blaze and recover the bodies of the victims and dead cattle trapped inside the vehicles. Footage from the scene shows the two vehicles completely burnt out, with rescue workers continuing to search for remains.

A mass burial for the victims is currently underway, according to state media reports. Governor Umaru Bago expressed his deep sorrow over the incident in a condolence message to the families affected, saying he is "pained by the unfortunate incident."

Fuel tanker explosions and accidents are a recurring tragedy in Nigeria, often attributed to the poor state of the country's roads. The authorities are urging drivers to exercise caution to prevent further accidents of this nature.

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