Ways Rodents Spread Disease
Pest Library
Published on 04/22/2022


 Rats and mice are some of the dirtiest pests that can infest your home, They carry a vast number of bacteria and other microbes and are known to spread over 35 diseases to humans. They do so through different means.


How Rats and Mice Spread Diseases


1. Through Urine and Faecal matter: 

Asides the nasty odour, rodent urine and droppings emit, they spread diseases through their waste.

Diseases such as;

Hantavirus; This is usually airborne, Since rat droppings can dry and turn to dust, they get carried in the air and you can inhale them and the virus in them.

Hantavirus brings symptoms like fever, chills, aches and pains. If left untreated can lead to kidney failure and chronic shortness of breath.


•Salmonella; Rats cause food poisoning by transferring bacteria from the dumpster to your kitchen. Symptoms include fever, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea and can become serious over time.


  • Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV);People contract this via exposure to fresh mouse droppings, urine, and saliva. This condition can lead to serious neurological problems if left untreated.


 Read also: Rodents: Eradicating Infestation with these Easy Steps


2. Through Bites: Yes rats bite. Maybe not so often, but they bite! If you sleep with unwashed hands after eating, there's a possibility they'll find you out to eat what's left on your finger tips. They will bite you.

If you've been sleeping with unwashed hands after food, and haven't been bitten, you've just been lucky. Tonight might be different. Rats carry and spread bacteria that cause rat-bite fever. 

You can contact this through handling a dead rodent that has the bacteria, eating contaminated food items, and of course, through a direct bite.


3. Through The Parasites They Transmit; Some pests like ticks, mites and flees get free rides into your home by attaching to the bodies of rodents.

Lyme disease and Colorado tick fever are transmitted by ticks which get in on the furry backs of rats.

Also, Bubonic plague is caused by fleas that get in through rats and mice.

 Having mice around is bad for your home and can cause you serious worry and headaches. 

 They pose a threat to your health and happiness which is why smart action needs to be taken and fast if you want to regain your sanity.


Contact professional rodent control services and save yourself hospital bills and damage control.

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