PECAN Celebrates World Pest Day 2024: "Global Solutions, Local Impact: Mapping Success in Pest Management"
06/05/2024 23:02 in Pest News

The Pest Control Association of Nigeria (PECAN) is thrilled to commemorate World Pest Day 2024, themed "Global Solutions, Local Impact: Mapping Success in Pest Management." Established in 2017, World Pest Day serves as a crucial platform to raise awareness about the significance of pest control and the vital contributions of the pest management industry in safeguarding public health, protecting food supplies, and preserving the integrity of structures and infrastructure.

The Theme and Its Resonance

This year's theme, "Global Solutions, Local Impact: Mapping Success in Pest Management," aligns perfectly with PECAN's unwavering commitment to implementing tailored solutions that address the pest challenges faced by various Nigerian communities. By leveraging global best practices and adapting them to local contexts, PECAN has made significant strides in protecting the health, well-being, and livelihoods of all Nigerians.

PECAN's Commitment to Pest Management Excellence

PECAN has been at the forefront of the pest management industry in Nigeria, working tirelessly to address the diverse pest-related issues that our nation faces. Here are some of the key areas where PECAN has demonstrated its leadership:

  1. Comprehensive Training and Certification Programmes PECAN has invested heavily in developing comprehensive training and certification programmes for pest control operators and technicians across Nigeria. These programmes equip professionals with the latest techniques, technologies, and industry best practices, ensuring the highest standards of service delivery.

  2. Regulatory Advocacy and Policy Development PECAN collaborates closely with government agencies and regulatory bodies to advocate for robust policies and regulations that enhance the safety, effectiveness, and environmental sustainability of pest control practices in Nigeria. This collaborative approach has led to the implementation of stricter guidelines and the adoption of more eco-friendly solutions.

  3. Public Awareness and Education Campaigns Recognizing the importance of community engagement, PECAN has spearheaded numerous public awareness and education campaigns. These initiatives inform Nigerian citizens about the importance of integrated pest management, proper sanitation practices, and preventive measures to mitigate pest-related risks, empowering communities to maintain a healthy and pest-free environment.

  4. Fostering International Partnerships PECAN actively cultivates strategic partnerships with pest management organizations and experts around the world. These collaborations facilitate the exchange of knowledge, research findings, and innovative solutions, enabling PECAN to stay at the forefront of the industry and bring global best practices to Nigeria.

  5. Research and Development Initiatives Driven by a commitment to innovation, PECAN invests in research and development initiatives focusing on eco-friendly, cost-effective, and technologically advanced pest control methods. These efforts have led to the introduction of innovative solutions that minimize the impact on human health and the environment.

A Call for Collaboration

As we celebrate World Pest Day 2024, PECAN reaffirms its dedication to protecting the health, safety, and well-being of all Nigerians. Through its comprehensive efforts, the association has demonstrated its leadership in the pest management industry and its ability to deliver impactful, localized solutions that address the unique challenges faced by Nigerian communities.

PECAN represents a diverse network of pest control operators, technicians, researchers, and industry stakeholders committed to safeguarding public health, protecting the environment, and enhancing the quality of life for all Nigerians. The association calls on governments at all levels, corporate bodies, and NGOs to collaborate with PECAN in appreciating the contributions of the pest control industry and raising awareness to effectively manage the nation’s pest challenges.


  • Message from the President


PCO Olakunle Williams, PECAN National President, extends his heartfelt gratitude to all pest control professionals and stakeholders for their unwavering dedication and contributions. Together, we can make a significant impact in safeguarding public health and the environment.

Happy World Pest Day 2024!

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